Delaware River Smallmouth 7/26-7/28 2024

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Delaware River Smallmouth 7/26-7/28 2024

Post by coaltrout » Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:57 am

This last weekend my group and I camped and floated the delaware river. Milford PA to Smithfield beach. Supposedly last week the upper Delaware had high flows and it was blown out, so while the conditions were calmer downstream we ended up with all the stained water and floating grass debris on our trip.
Unlike past trips on the Delaware when the water is clear, we couldnt find many smallmouth in the slower stretches but occasionally did pull one out from a slow moving bank like under some structure. The key was hitting the fast water, moving the canoe into the eddies or onto shore and casting into the fast runs. Or at the tails of runs floating down and hitting the banks where there was still some flow and nice rock structure.
Most of my fish came off topwater. They would even hit in in the fast runs that looked like striped bass water!! The fish were super aggressive once you found them.
Fishing was great and exciting in these fast runs, but pretty tame and often a straight paddle past the slower stretches. Others tried for muskie in these slow stretches. We only managed one small one just over 20 inches with a boomerange shaped body.

We saw a few adult American Shad especially around wallpack bend. probably could have seen more if we had better water clarity. I think we also saw a bunch of YOY shad around a 2-3 inches long.
Plenty of bald eagles!
Our one friend hooked up with a schoolie striper in slower water but wasnt able to land it. popped at the canoe

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Re: Delaware River Smallmouth 7/26-7/28 2024

Post by 46er » Wed Jul 31, 2024 6:40 pm

Sounds like a great trip, tons of smallies in that section you can see them from a high bank anywhere. How did you arrange put in/take out, within your group or commercial? I was thinking a section or 2 of the Delaware Sojourn next June and fish along the way.
aka; Ralph

The irony of the Human condition is that we are so focused on reaching some point in our journey, some happiness, or some goal, that we seem to forget that the journey itself is where life happens.

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Re: Delaware River Smallmouth 7/26-7/28 2024

Post by coaltrout » Fri Aug 02, 2024 8:29 am

46er wrote:
Wed Jul 31, 2024 6:40 pm
Sounds like a great trip, tons of smallies in that section you can see them from a high bank anywhere. How did you arrange put in/take out, within your group or commercial? I was thinking a section or 2 of the Delaware Sojourn next June and fish along the way.
arranged shuttling with the group.
there was like 10 of us but everyone sorta shuttled in groups of three/four
Only one pair of guys shared a single canoe, so that's easy to just leave a car down and then drive up with the canoe. Other guys had solo yaks so they strapped like 4 yaks into a single flat bed trailer.
But after the trip shuttling back and forth took some time. Not a problem though because we ended pretty early Sunday. I was the one to watch the yaks at the launch and i got to see some crazy shit at the launch :mrgreen: some guy was putting canoes on a 6-canoe trailer (the tall racks) and he fell off and landed on his back right onto the cement. He must have broke his fall somehow and protected his head but dam! idk how he was walking around after. Bit of an older gent too. nutty.

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Re: Delaware River Smallmouth 7/26-7/28 2024

Post by 46er » Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:51 pm

If it's a slow day and you live near a boat ramp, some of the best free entertainment you can find ;)

This is how my canoe was delivered.
aka; Ralph

The irony of the Human condition is that we are so focused on reaching some point in our journey, some happiness, or some goal, that we seem to forget that the journey itself is where life happens.

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